Life Doesn’t Stink!

This film illustrates empathy, some people still seem to be unable to step outside of their ‘box’ and understand what others go through until they are immersed in it themselves. Thats what so brilliant about life, providence conspires to pick you up and place you elsewhere so you learn this lesson. You may sit about…

Armchair Activism The Route To Abundance

How long has Facebook been around eons it feels like? It would seem before Facebook, people didn’t like things. The ‘likes’ have no fiscal value but do enhance reputation apparently? In ignorance people will ‘like’ companies that do nothing more than to serve synthetic sugars that in time could lead to ill-health. We have a romantised perception…

Illness Can Save Your Life?

Join Pegatha Gaile on Google+ I’ve been quiet for a while because I acknowledge that ranting in public makes you appear mad (LOL) , so I’ve been on the down low. (I am angry though but I’ll speak of that another time.)  I’ve been seriously ill for 12 months now and that in it self brings…

You Are Awesome, Now Own It!

Everybody thinks the fun is always over there at sometime of the day or night! Unless they are a socio-path in the making and then they think, they are the ‘fun’. Well we’re here to share with you that the fun is everywhere you just need to notice it and decide to become a part of it. From the…

German Scientists Prove There is Life After Death

A team of psychologists and medical doctors associated with the Technische Universität of Berlin, have announced this morning that they had proven by clinical experimentation, the existence of some form of life after death. This astonishing announcement is based on the conclusions of a study using a new type of medically supervised near-death experiences, that…

M&S, Co-op and Sainsbury’s Say Chickens Will Be Fed On GM Soya

As three more supermarkets drop their bans, the industry is accused of caving in to cartels and GM food giants Britain’s supermarket giants have been accused of caving in to the genetic modification lobby by dropping their decade-long stance against selling chickens fed on genetically modified crops. The move has been seen as a key…

Trust Your Employees

THERE ARE STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO STEER EMPLOYEES BACK FROM DISENGAGEMENT, BUT IT TAKES A GENUINE COMMITMENT FROM THE TOP. How far are you willing to go to create employee engagement? Most companies will offer praise or occasional rewards, but given the much-quoted Gallup statisticthat 71% of American workers don’t feel engaged, it’s safe…

One Act of Kindness = Coffee For Hundreds!

One coffeehouse customer’s random act of kindness went viral —resulting in hours of free beverages for hundreds of fellow patrons who couldn’t resist the urge to pass along the generosity. On the morning of Dec. 21, a customer at a Tim Hortons in Winnipeg Canada decided to pay for the order of the person behind…

Kindness rewards the giver

Among the benefits of kindness is the positive psychological gain that occurs for both the giver and receiver. When we see someone else help another person, it gives us a good feeling, which in turn causes us to go out and do something altruistic. Research has shown that generosity and kindness are contagious. American poet…

Loving-Kindness’ Oxytocin Makes It Contagious

Simon Sinek speaking at the Vistage Conference “THINK Big!” spoke about this hormone.  He said: With Oxytocin in the body, it makes me do things selflessly. It is the generosity chemical. Generosity is doing things for people with no want of return. It’s a transaction if I do something for you and you expect something back. In the…

Be Kind to Yourself

Is Self-Compassion the Key to a Wiser, Happier Me?  The 2,500 year old Buddhist tradition contains some fundamental truths about human nature that Western science is slowly beginning to embrace. One of these is that humans, like all members of the animal kingdom, are inherently social beings.. Our brains are wired for love, connection, and…

The New I is We!

1. The intelligent WE In his book ‘The Wisdom of Crowds’, James Surowiecki already highlighted the overall idea that groups of people make smarter decisions than individuals. In an opening anecdote, he shares the story of a crowd of people at a county fair guessing the weight of an ox. When averaging their individual guesses, the…

You Can Create Your Own Luck Here’s How!

Failed actors rarely give career advice. “The advice business is a monopoly run by survivors,” writes David McRaney of You Are Not So Smart. The chefs who failed don’t have a line out the door of their restaurant. The entrepreneurs who launched, failed, and didn’t try again don’t end up on the cover of Fast Company. To…